Jiri Preisinger

Fisherman, photographer, fishing periodical editor and member of the Fishmachine team.

Your favorite fishing technique and type of fish?

The more techniques you master, the more times you are a fisherman. I enjoy everything and would like to explore many more fishing techniques.

What clothing do you value most when fishing?

Your clothes. I used to wear older pieces of clothing, something that was slowly about to be thrown away and that I could get dirty so that my wife wouldn't scold me at home. With the advent of our collaboration, my world turned upside down. Suddenly I didn't care if it was extremely hot or cold outside because I was always prepared. I could spend more time fishing than before.

Do you use our clothes even when you go out with friends?

Absolutely yes! Once you like something, it's hard to replace it with something else. When I go shopping, when I go for a beer, when I go to work. Just always, because your clothes are functional and also have a nice design.

What is your favorite product from our brand?

All pieces are superb. But what is a real gem are insulated things, hats, buff. I didn't know that before, now it's an integral part when I go fishing. In the summer, t-shirts and shorts that wick away sweat. Every time I see someone sweating in a heavy cotton t-shirt and I'm wearing your functional t-shirt, I have to laugh and think, "yeah, I wore this exact same thing a few years ago too, and now I can't even imagine it anymore".

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